The Library Comes to You

If you live very far from the libraries in the Herning Kommune, you can enroll yourself in our delivery service, which brings books (and other materials) out to you, using a variety of pick-up locations, which are close to where you live.

Deliveries every other Wednesday

Materials are delivered every other Wednesday after 2pm. You can pick up what you have ordered according to the opening times of the individual pick-up locations.


You can enroll in this service in one of the following ways:

  • Send an email to with your name, address, email-address, phone number and the location you wish to pick-up at.
  • Call the library at 96 28 88 00.


You can order library materials in one of the following ways:

  • Order materials through (a comprehensive library database that covers all of Denmark)
    Remember to choose a pick-up location when you choose a library.
  • Call the library at 96 28 88 00.

You can return your library materials at either of these locations

  • At the pick-up location where you received them
    Materials must be delivered no later than 9am on the Wednesday we visit your location.
    Materials are registered as “returned” in the library database once they are physically returned to the Herning Library. If you, for example, deliver your materials to your local pick-up location on a Monday, they will not be registered in the system as “returned” until they are brought back to the Herning Library the following Wednesday.
  • At any of the local libraries in the Herning Kommune

Pick-up locations

See which pickup-location is closest to you.

Wednesdays in ODD weeks:

  • Feldborg
    LokalBrugsen Fremad, Bredgade 60
  • Haderup
    Haderup Kultur- & Idrætscenter, Nygade 9
  • Hodsager
    Kvik Spar, Hovedgaden 31
  • Ilskov
    Ilskov forsamlingshus, Ilskov Hovedgade 2
    A delivery cabinet is hanging on the exterior wall *
  • Simmelkær
    Simmelkærhus, Troldbjergvej 12
    A delivery cabinet is hanging on the exterior wall *
  • Sinding
    Sinding-ørre Midtpunkt, Daginstitutionen Hvepsereden, Skoletoften 7
  • Skibbild
    Kwik Spar, Skjoldsvej 1
    A delivery cabinet is hanging on the exterior wall *
  • Sørvad
    Dagli' Brugsen Sørvad, Langgade 30
  • Vind
    LandsbyCenter, Holstebrovej 20
    A delivery cabinet is hanging on the exterior wall *
  • Ørnhøj
    Super Spar Ørnhøj, Hovedgaden 54

Wednesdays in EVEN weeks:

  • Arnborg
    Dagli' Brugsen, Greenvej 1
  • Fasterholt
    Status, Arnborgvej 11
  • Haunstrup
    Kirkehuset, Haunstrup Hovedgade 37
    A delivery cabinet is hanging on the exterior wall *
  • Karstoft
    Karstoft samlingshus, Blåhøjvej 60
    A delivery cabinet is hanging on the exterior wall *
  • Kølkær
    Dagli' Brugsen, Kølkær Hovedgade 42
    A delivery cabinet is hanging on the exterior wall *
  • Skarrild
    Merko, Hovedgaden 47
  • Sdr. Felding
    Spar, Bredgade 25
  • Stakroge
    Stakroge Smede og maskinforretning, Borgergade 49B
    A delivery cabinet is hanging on the exterior wall *

* In Skibbild, Karstoft, Stakroge, Vind, Simmelkær, Kølkær, Ilskov and Haunstrup you will find a “delivery cabinet” on the building’s exterior wall. In order to access to this cabinet, you will need a key, which can be picked up at the Herning Library.